Are you a Preschool Manager, SENCo, Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Preschool Worker, Childminder or Key Worker?

Do you have a child in your setting with unclear speech?
Do you wonder what’s going on with their sounds?
Do you want to help them but are not sure what to do?
Has the child seen a Speech Therapist? Are they on a waiting list?
Has the Speech Therapist sent you a report with targets? Maybe some pictures?
Do you know what to do with the pictures?
Do you feel confident working with this child?
Have you already done lots of work on this child’s speech sounds and are you bored of the games you have done?

I've made you a course

It's online so you can do it any time, at your own pace.
There are videos, presentations, demonstrations and printable handouts.
You can re-visit the course at a later stage. Multiple times.
You can have a certificate upon completion of the course.
You can play some of the videos from the course during staff training.
You can follow this course at your pace, moving onto the next stage when the child you are working with is ready.

What will you get?
This course will give you the knowledge, understanding and confidence to work with children with speech sound difficulties.
It will help you to understand what is happening with their speech sounds and why they are using replacement sounds.
This course will give you ideas to help them at their current stage and what to do next.
You will feel empowered with the clarity and understanding around this tricky topic and you will be excited to try some of the activities the next day with your children.
You will have the ability to use what you have learnt in the course with children in your setting now and in the future.
You will see increased progress in the children you work with and their speech sounds will be less delayed.
You will be an even more skilled and knowledgeable practitioner than you already are.
Fancy a peek inside?

What you will learn

How to work with children who have speech sound difficulties.
The ages and stages of speech sounds development.
Some theory behind common speech sound difficulties.
How to identify children who need to be referred for assessment.
What a Speech and Language Therapist does at the assessment.
How targets are identified and set by the Speech and Language Therapist.
Activities to help children with their target sounds.
The route through therapy and the different steps and stages to perfecting their speech sounds.
How to move a child onto the next stage.
How to help the child generalise their sounds into their everyday talking.
