With RISING NUMBERS of children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs in mainstream settings, are you FEELING CONFIDENT in how to identify their needs and provide the appropriate support for them?
It's OK if you're feeling a little overwhelmed with the numbers of children who need additional help and support in your class or setting, there really are more and more children with needs than ever before.
In contrast, there's not very much training and information provided to education and childcare professionals on SEN, let alone the complicated world of speech, language and communication needs, incorporating neurodiversity and neurodivergent children.
So let's start here, with the SLCN Impact Pack.
It contains everything you need to identify and support the Speech, Language & Communication Needs (SLCN) in your school or setting.
Used and loved HUNDREDS of Schools and settings WORLDWIDE.

There's something special here...would you like it?
I’ve created something special to help wonderful people, like you, who work with children who:

Are behind age-related expectations
Rely on routines and copying others
Know and use fewer words
Show frustration and challenging behaviour
Talk (and write) in shorter sentences
Have immature social skills
Are struggling academically
Have ‘something’ going on that you just can’t put your finger on…
This is an instant-access, online resource combining specialist video training to boost your CPD and downloadable resources.
One of the resources is a tool to help you identify SLCN and highlight specific areas to support for each child.
It’ll also show you how to plan your interventions and have some simple but super-effective games to use with your children. It will be suitable for all age groups
Would you like it?

82% of children with SEN are in mainstream schools.
Did you ever get any training to know what you're supposed to be looking out for with these children?
Have you been shown HOW to actually help them?
Did you receive any TOOLS to identify and monitor their progress?
Let's fix that.
Benefits for You and the Children
⭐ Develop a better understanding of SLCN and its presentations.
⭐ Increase quality teaching by implementing the knowledge and strategies learnt in this course.
⭐ Downloadable tools and resources to help you identify SLCN and highlight specific areas to support.
⭐ Feel confident to work with the children in your setting who have speech and language difficulties
⭐ Help the children to make progress and overcome their barriers to learning.
⭐ Plan interventions and have some simple but effective games to use with your pupils.
⭐ Use the strategies and activities from this course with your current class and in the future with new cohorts.
⭐ Suitable for all age groups, from EYFS to KS4.
⭐ The games can be altered to suit the age, ability and interests of the child you are working with.
⭐ I've included ways you can step-up to make the game more challenging or step down if they are a bit tricky.
⭐ Complete the course online, in your own time.

Children with speech, language & communication needs are facing
🔺longer waiting times for assessment
🔺less face-to-face therapy
🔺advice-only support
Which doesn't help you AT ALL in your classroom.
I can help here.
👉 You need to know what needs the child in your class actually has.
My SLCN Impact Pack has a Checklist tool for you to assess their strengths and areas of improvement so you don't need to wait for a formal, specialist assessment.
👉 You need to support your child by delivering interventions and through the use of targeted strategies in your daily school life.
My SLCN Impact Pack will show you a range of simple and fun games that you can use to target any area of SLCN. You can use these games in 1:1, small group and larger groups, within the classroom and out too.
I'll also show you how to plan & record your interventions and what they should look like.
👉 You need more than just 'advice'. You need implementable information that you can action straight away.
You'll get that with my SLCN Impact Pack. I'm putting the finishing touches to the specialist video training and downloadable resources. It will be ready on 14th May.
What's in the SLCN Impact Pack?

Video tutorials


Checklists & printables

This resource is packed with information in video format plus specialist resources for you to download and use.
😊 Video Training with Beth Morrant, Highly Specialist Speech & language Therapist

👉Better understanding of SLCN.
👉 What to look out for with your children.
👉 Simple but effective strategies to support them, at every stage of education.
👉 Confidence in your competence to support your pupils with SLCN.
👉 Plan your interventions and use them in a variety of ways in your setting.

📑Specialist resources
✔️ Checklist tool to identify SLCN and highlight specific targets.
✔️ Support particular areas of needs with targeted strategies.
✔️ Record interventions using the simple tool in this pack.
✔️ Digital guide to SLCN with selected strategies and impactful interventions.

To be sure that you’re getting qualified training and information from me, here are my credentials:
1️⃣ Highly Specialist Speech & Language Therapist
I’m a qualified Speech & Language Therapist, specialised in Paediatrics. I’ve been a ‘speechie’ for so long that I’ve worked my way up through the levels and am now at the top, having managed and supervised small teams of other SALTs and Assistants.
2️⃣ Registered with the HCPC
In order to practise as a Speech Therapist in the UK, I need to be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council who set out the standards of proficiency all SALTs must adhere to. You can find my registration number and that of any other SALTs you come across on their website. Anyone claiming to be a Speech Therapist who isn’t registered is breaking the law.
3️⃣ Registered with the RCSLT
I’m a fully registered member of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists which is the professional body for SALTs.
4️⃣ Annual CPD
In order to maintain my professional memberships I have to complete a minimum of 30 hours CPD per year. I’m a total nerd and am always reading, researching and making sure my knowledge is up to date so that I can share it with people like you who I work with through my training & resources.
5️⃣ MSc (Masters) Degree in Health & Human Sciences
I have a Masters degree in Health and Human Sciences and qualified as a Speech & Language Therapist at the end of this 2-year taught programme. My qualifications enable us to work with a range of patient groups, not just children. My first clinical role was in adult brain injury and also with adults with learning disabilities but I found my gifts in paediatrics early on in my career.
6️⃣ BA (Hons) Degree in Linguistics & Spanish
My undergraduate degree is a double degree in Spanish (yep I’m fluent, it’s a fun party trick) and linguistics. It was during this degree that I discovered Speech & Language Therapy existed!
7️⃣ Many years’ experience
I’ve been a Speech & Language Therapist for well over a decade, having worked both in the private sector and the NHS before setting up my own clinic and mainstream school service. My team proudly supported hundreds of children, their families and their education staff in our local geographical area.
8️⃣ Mainstream Schools & Preschools
I’ve worked in over 100 mainstream schools and early years settings throughout Essex in my time as a Speech Therapist. One school was lucky enough to have me visit weekly for 7 years. Spending time alongside hundreds of education professionals helped me to learn how to modify my recommendations to be more realistically achieved by my teaching and learning colleagues, as well as understand the demands and pressures they face.
9️⃣ Mum of 2 children
While I don’t believe that being a parent is a pre-requisite for working with children, my experience of being a mum has helped me to understand so much more of my work. From an in-depth knowledge of Paw Patrol, ability to spot a fib and empathy with parents who are worried about their child, to my penchant for terrible jokes, my mum skills have certainly helped to improve my SALT skills.
🔟 SEN parent
One of my children has ADHD and SPD (sensory processing disorder). I have first-hand experience of the realities of daily life with a person who needs a little extra support, both at home and at school. I can draw upon my knowledge of her conditions as well as my knowledge of my child to work alongside the adults in her school to make sure her needs are identified and met. So if you’re ready to enrol onto my online CPD training and download the specialist resources that I created, click the 'order now' button and let's get started!
Am I qualified to be delivering high-quality CPD training and creating specialist resources for education and childcare professionals to use in identifying and supporting the speech & language needs of their children?
I understand that you’d want to be sure you’re getting relevant, factual, specific information in your search for online training and resources that will help you to do your job well.
The internet is full of people who have experience and ideas, which is great!
But sometimes the advice given isn’t actually correct.
Not researched scientifically or proven on a mass scale with control groups and reviewed by specialists.
What’s worked for one child or young person isn’t proof that it will work for all of them.
And while not every child, young person or situation is ‘textbook perfect’ either, it’s still better to follow the research and evidence than a single post on Instagram.