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Do you want to IMPROVE the learning environment for all the children in your school?

Are you ready to be an 
OUTSTANDING school with superior quality-first teaching?

Do you need some help to boost provision and support for your 

Unlock access to a suite of evidence-based, specialist CPD training and resources so that you can identify and meet the speech& language needs of the children you work with.

All of the resources are suitable for all year groups and key stages, with information and demonstrations of how you can adjust the interventions and strategies to meet the needs, interests and motivations of your pupils.

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Online CPD Training For
Your Whole School Team

Have you noticed there are more and more children with speech, language and communication needs in your school?


Are you seeing rising numbers of children who are making less progress than expected? Perhaps you’ve seen more children in recent years starting school with unidentified or resolved needs.

Is your school seeing increased incidences of challenging behaviour, pupils at risk of exclusion, lower attainment and/or poor attendance?

Are your staff finding increased numbers of children with some skills lower than expected for their age?

Is your school senior leadership team keen to increase the quality of teaching, improve access to learning and promote staff development?

Are you reaching for Outstanding level or hoping to maintain a Good School Inspection rating?

Are you keen to find easy to use, online CPD training for your team?

Thoroughly enjoyed the course 2_edited
videos are amazing
videos are so good, wish i had it last year
finished many courses
Great course content
useful tips and ideas
completed 2 of your courses

The Schools Training Package from The Speech and Language Garden provides online specialist CPD training and resources to staff and practitioners working in education settings.


You can access a complete set of 6 speech and language courses, plus 13 specialist resources for your whole school team, for an entire year.


The pre-recorded courses range from 60 mins to 4+ hours, with modules covering specific theoretical information, and demonstrated activities to target specific areas of needs during intervention sessions.


All of the course content is available online, with unlimited access so staff can re-visit the content multiple times and complete at their own pace.

Purchase options allow for massive discounts for whole staff teams with further savings for schools on funding cover for lessons and extra travel costs. 


All of the courses and resources are created by a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist with extensive experience of working with children for more than a decade.


Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) impact on most areas of learning, from literacy and maths skills, to social development and mental health, across all age groups and key stages.


In fact, SLCN has wider reaching effects too with statistics showing that more than 60% of young offenders have communication difficulties.


Don’t let them be your pupils.

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More than 60% of young people in the youth justice estate have communication difficulties.

⭐ Excellent benefits for your school⭐

✔ Staff get instant and unlimited access to specialist training on a range of topics which are unavailable in many locations.

✔ Settings save money on individual course fees by purchasing the training package for the whole team of staff. You'll also save money on travel and finding cover for sessions.

✔ Settings will see an increase in the quality of teaching through awareness of SLCN and application of strategies to support needs.

✔ Staff and practitioners will develop skills, knowledge and confidence in supporting SEN children.

✔ Areas of need can be quickly identified using the resources, with swift delivery of interventions by staff using the range of training and resources provided.

✔ Staff members can access the training remotely and complete the course at their own pace. This enables schools to meet training and CPD requirements.

✔ With speech, language and communication needs being the most common type of special educational need in school-aged children, your setting or school can boast to have a skilled workforce to support these children.



SLCN Impact Pack

Combining video training and downloadable specialist resources this instant-access training will help you to identify and then support the speech, language & communication needs of the children you work with.

Focusing on the fundamentals of SLCN, you need to know:

  • Where to start with it all

  • What to look out for in your children

  • How to help them in your classroom and plan out your interventions

Supporting Children with Memory and Processing Difficulties

Learn how to support children in all key stages who have difficulty retaining and processing spoken information.

This course is packed with practical activities for your staff to do with individual or groups of children, making it ideal for both teaching and support staff.

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Supporting Children with Vocabulary and Word Finding Difficulties

Your team will learn how to support children of all ages who have difficulty with vocabulary, including learning and retaining new words or recalling vocabulary that they already know. 

There are plenty of demonstrated practical activities for your team to carry out with individuals or groups of children, within the classroom or during interventions.

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Stammering and Stuttering

Your team will learn about stammering, who it affects, what causes it, red flags to look out for and how to help someone who stammers.

With background theory, covering a range of ages from preschoolers to adults, as well as insights into the role of a Speech and Language Therapist and treatments.

Your staff will have the confidence to spot the signs, support the children and reassure parents and carers.

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Speech Sounds: Steps to Success

A comprehensive training course to help your staff work with children who have speech sound difficulties. This course contains information and theory on the types of speech sound difficulties and typical developmental milestones.

This course is packed with practical and fun activities for your staff members to do to help your little one with their speech sounds, making it ideal for Early Years staff, support staff in Key Stage 1 and SENCos.

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Your school can power-up it's provision in EYFS with staff who have increased understanding and confidence to support children with delayed language skills.

Early Years Speech and Language

Aimed at EYFS professionals keen to identify and establish effective speech and language skills in your Early Years provision.

This course contains theory and information on milestones, red flags, when to refer to SALT, strategies and games to help late talkers, children with unclear speech and stammerers.

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What's Included?
Online Courses

Let's look inside 👀

Also Included:
Specialist Resources

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Speech, Language and Communication Needs Checklist

An easy-to-use checklist resource to help identify specific areas of speech and language needs, highlight target areas for One Planning and TA-led interventions and support referral to SALT services.


This tool can be used as a monitoring tool for termly assessment and data gathering

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5 Ways to be Speech and Language Friendly in School


A handy tick sheet with some simple tips for you and your team to create a more speech and language friendly environment to help support your pupils.

Speech & Language Intervention Record Sheet

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A handy printable sheet to record all speech and language interventions.

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Speech Sounds Screener

A speech sounds identification and tracking tool for Early Years staff to asses and  monitor the speech sound development of children in your setting.

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Staff Skills Audit Tool

An audit tool to collect information on the skills and knowledge of your team.


This 2-page checklist can be used as an indicator for training or resources needed, or for staff to be able to record evidence for their own CPD.


This form can also be used to inform Governors, Trustees and Inspectors.

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Supporting Students Who Stammer

Advice Sheet

A list of strategies for education staff to help support the children in your school who stammer or stutter.

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The Development of Speech Sounds

Ages & Stages Infosheet

An informative resource for EYFS and KS1 on the developmental milestones of speech sound development.

  1. Speech, Language and Communication Needs

  2. Memory & Processing Interventions, Activities & Games

  3. Vocabulary Interventions- a selection of activities

  4. Early Years Activities to Boost Language & Communication Skills

  5. Speech Sounds Games & Activities


Downloadable eBooks

Downloadable and printable resources on a range of topics, ideal for TA-led interventions, small group or whole class time fillers and providing activities to be done at home to support carryover of skills:​

Prcing & Fees

1 person £660

3 people £990

5 people £1200

Up to 10 people £2400

Up to 15 people £3000

Access to the package is for 12 months.

Or, send me an email to request an invoice

or if you'd like a quote for more than 15 people

Need training for a group of schools?

Contact me for discount pricing for groups of schools, Multi Academy Trusts and Local Education Authorities.

How does it work?

Access for whole staff teams/multiple users


1. Payments can be made via invoice and BACS, please email me to request an invoice. This will provide the package for 12 months.


2. If you’ve signed up multiple people, you'll be contacted to send us their names & email addresses. We'll set them up with accounts and send them a welcome email.

3. Your staff members will have continuous access to the courses and content, with your team using the content for training days, meetings or individual CPD. Certificates will be automatically issued upon completion of each course.

4. Everyone will have access to the downloadable specialist resources which can be used as much as you like. You can use these for further training sessions or team meetings.

5. Log in to the courses and watch the videos as many times as you wish, using the content for training sessions, and refreshing skills.

Information Document

There's a lot of information on this page, would you prefer to download my information document to share with your school senior leadership team?


More Reviews

Review EY 2
Review EY 6
Review EY 5
Review EY 7a
Review EY 4

I’m a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, based in Essex.

I have extensive experience working with children with speech, language and communication needs in a range of settings including schools, preschools and clinics.

I'm also mum to two primary school-aged children, one of whom has special needs. Both of my children ‘help’ in some of my course videos, allowing me to demonstrate how to use activities to work on specific targets, modifying and differentiating for varying ages, motivations and abilities.

I set up my own clinical service provision in 2011 and have since then built up a successful practice, with my own clinic where I see private patients. I also provide a regular service to a number of schools in my local geographical area.


I’ve worked with lots of practitioners and staff in schools and preschools throughout my career and I've provided a lot of information, advice, training and support for a variety of Speech and Language topics.


As well as training education staff, I also deliver seminars as a guest lecturer to Speech and Language Therapy Students at the University of Essex. These cover a range of topics, including service provision, speech sounds, stammering, vocabulary and word finding, assessment and intervention.

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I have a master’s degree in Health and Human Sciences (MSc), qualifying as a Speech & Language Therapist in 2009. My undergraduate degree (BA Hons) is in Linguistics and Spanish.

I’m registered with the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, the Health and Care Professionals Council and the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP).

Hi, I'm Beth Morrant

🏫 School Improvement 🏫

You can focus on school improvement by supporting your staff members to identify and meet the needs of the children in their class.


Provide them with CPD to boost their skills, knowledge and confidence in identifying underlying difficulties and adopting approaches to enhance learning.

There are strong links between challenging behaviour and underlying speech and language difficulties. BUT, there are easily implementable strategies and interventions that can help your students now before their difficulties snowball into much bigger issues.

You could look to reduce the level of challenging behaviour and potentially reduce the number of exclusions by supporting root problems which tend to be linked to Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).

🧐 Identifying Challenges Faced by 🧐 Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Children

Slow progress and low attainment do not necessarily mean that a child has SEN, however information from the Department for Education highlight disadvantaged and vulnerable children as being more likely to make slower progress and have a lower level of achievement than peers from more affluent backgrounds.

Not all children meet the criteria for SEN and the children who fall into the ‘low achiever’ but not SEN category can sometimes slip through the net.


Having worked in schools for over 15 years, I’ve been able to use my experience of this population of children to create the information and resources in this training bundle that will significantly help these children as well as those who do meet the criteria for SEN.

For example, schools can use the SLCN checklist (available in the resources section) as part of their diagnostic assessment to understand specific areas of need or challenges which impact on particular elements of education which pupils are finding challenging.


Staff will then be able to select the relevant training course which will show them suitable strategies to use in class and suggested interventions for TA-led sessions or in-class activities which can be incorporated into lessons.

💷 Let's Talk About Budgets 💷

💰 Previous package purchases have been made by schools using Pupil Premium, Staff Training, SEN and Catch-up funding.

💰 I'm aware that budgets are limited and speech and language rarely features as a priority for some school leadership teams, however speech and language skills are fundamental to learning and development which underlines the significance of supporting any difficulties for children before they snowball into bigger issues.


💰 Having delivered these training sessions in person and online for a number of years, I have seen how the knowledge and skills gained by staff members can be sustained over time and applied to new classes and cohorts, justifying the initial investment.


💰 In addition, schools can make huge savings by purchasing the training package for multiple users.


💰 Schools can spread the training sessions over a whole year- this spreads the cost too!


💰 Further savings can be made by reducing the costs of sourcing and funding cover for sending staff members on external training sessions, paying for staff members to attend individual training events, plus travel and other attendance costs (e.g. lunch, overtime, extra workbooks).


💰 Staff members can save valuable time by not having to set lessons for cover staff, arranging personal childcare needs around attending an external course, organising transport and travel, cascading information to the team and re-teaching covered lessons.

Your Pupil Premium Strategy 

Include staff training in your Pupil Premium Strategy Plan. This will help you to address the key challenges faced by pupils with speech and language difficulties which underpin their academic success.

Your school will be able to integrate the use of staff strategies, targeted resources and group activities into daily classroom life.


Vocabulary and memory activities could be easily incorporated into curriculum-based tasks, for example, using word webs for new topics in history or science.

Your staff will be able to use the training package to meet all levels of the tiered and wave models, ensuring inclusive high-quality teaching, wider use of strategies throughout the school and targeted academic support and interventions for those who need it.


How to evidence this training package in your Pupil Premium report

With this training package, schools can expect to see a moderate-high impact for a large number of pupils, for a low cost (per pupil) when purchasing the training package for multiple members of staff.

In order to justify the investment of the training package and identify quantifiable data for your Pupil Premium report, school senior leaders can use some of the resources within the package to collect data:

  • SLCN staff audit tool can be used pre and post training (i.e. at the beginning and end of each academic year) to gather quantitative and qualitative information about the level of experience and training your team has with speech, language and communication needs.

  • The SLCN checklist produces data each time it is used and can be an effective monitoring and tracking tool when used periodically (e.g. termly).

  • Data from staff attending training- this can be provided by us- a record of which members of your team have completed which courses.


Your school will also be able to draw upon your own data and pupil progress information to inform spending choices, including:

  • Evidence from pupil academic progress, attendance, exclusion data, year group and cohort data.

  • Comparable data from national averages

1 person £660

3 people £990

5 people £1200

Up to 10 people £2400

Up to 15 people £3000

Access to the package is for 12 months.

Would you prefer to pay via invoice?


If you would prefer to pay via invoice and BACS transfer, please send me an email:

Need training for a group of schools?

Contact me for discount pricing for groups of schools, Multi Academy Trusts and Local Education Authorities.

Prcing & Fees

📋 Meet School Inspection Requirements 📋

You can meet school inspection requirements and enhance quality teaching by planning and implementing this package of professional development in your school.


🌻 School Inspectors considerations for the Quality of Education can be met through better trained staff who are more knowledgeable and skilled in working with children with a range of speech, language and communication needs.


🌻 Trusts and Senior Leaders in schools can plan and implement professional development, using virtual measures which enables staff to adopt a flexible approach.


🌻 Teaching and Support Staff will gain a good secure grounding in spotting red flags for speech, language and communication needs and be able to track progress using the resources provided.


🌻 The needs of individual children can be more easily highlighted using the checklist and screener resources which will enable targets to be more easily created and supported.


🌻 Staff can support and enhance learning to help the children make the best possible progress by adopting strategies and delivering targeted and effective interventions suited to the needs of individuals.


🌻 Schools can demonstrate intentions to support children to catch up on lost learning and progress.

Meet Staff Training and CPD Requirements

“Professional development must be prioritised by school leadership” DfE standards for teacher’s professional development, 2016


The training courses from The Speech and Language Garden can easily be used as part of your school’s clear and consistent approach to supporting Teachers professional development.

This package enables staff, whether they are newly qualified or have 25+ years’ experience, to strive for improved teaching practise by building on their knowledge of speech and language issues, refining their ideas and embedding approaches across the whole school. This will enable improved pupil outcomes.

An important feature of many of the courses is the ‘next steps’ section where instructions and opportunities are presented to participants to apply their learning immediately within their settings and to re-visit the course content to refresh skills and select new approaches to try.


🏆 Win your team over by saving them time 🏆

Time is such a valued entity for teachers, with some of our colleagues regularly working around 50 hours per week. Factoring in CPD can be a challenge.

Luckily the courses from the Speech and Language Garden are between 1 and 4+ hours in length and single courses can be completed in an afternoon. Most of the content is split into smaller sections for staff members to dip into when needs arise i.e. to find a specific activity or strategy to meet the needs of an individual child or class.

The courses are short, saving teachers valuable time. But that doesn’t mean they are empty! The training contains valuable content which gets straight to the point, no waffle. Your staff members will get key information on the topic, with specific strategies and implementable interventions that you can apply immediately within your classroom.

Through this suite of training courses and resources, I have used my experience and expertise in Speech, Language and Communication Needs to condense key information and vital facts/theory so that you and your staff are only given the most important and relevant information.

Your Next Steps

​Send me an email to let me know you’re super keen to get your team trained up and that you need the amazing resources ASAP. My email address is:


Book a call with me to discuss the needs of your school further and ask me any questions you may have. We can chat over the phone or zoom

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