Preschools & Early Years Settings
Do you work in a preschool, nursery, daycare, or early years setting? Or are you a Childminder?
Do you seem to have more and more children with language and communication difficulites?
You're tracking their development but they are behind with their talking or they have unclear speech. Perhaps they struggle to follow instructions or have a stammer?
Need some help?
There's loads of information for you here on a range of topics, especially suited for preschool-aged children.

Get Some Free Stuff
Speech Sounds Ages & Stages Infosheet
A printable resource with information on the development of speech sounds, to help you check if your child is on the right track.
Supporting Students who Stammer or Stutter
A printable list of easy to implement strategies for people working with children who have a stammer or stutter.
5 Ways to be more Speech & Language Friendly
A handy ticksheet with 5 different ideas for you to boost speech, language and communication skills in in your setting.
Free Speech & Language Training Session
Join me for this FREE online training session where we’ll explore Speech, Language & Communication Needs (SLCN).
Grow your skills
Power-up your provision with CPD training from these best-selling courses
Power-up your provision with staff strategies and games to help late talkers, children with unclear speech and stammerers.
Teaching you specialist skills to support children with unclear speech, this course shows you the journey from single sounds to free speech, with lots of fun games to play along the way!
A specialist training package of speech and language CPD courses for preschools and early years settings.
Choose options for whole staff team or single user logins.
Course Reviews