"My 2 year old understands everything but isn't saying any words yet"
Adam, parent
"I'm really worried about my son starting school next year. He's just not communicating very much"
Maria, Parent
"My daughter is 4 and does not say many words. How can I help her vocabulary?"
Aleesha, Parent
Our 3 year old grandson only says around 15 words. How can we help him on the days he's with us?
Sarah, Grandparent
Stuck on a waiting list?
Is your child only saying one or two words but other children their age are saying much more?
Perhaps you’re worried that they will not be able to cope when they get to school and that other children might pick on them.
Your child may even be showing signs of frustration at not being able to communicate.
You've filled out the paperwork for an assessment but referrals to Speech & Language Therapy are at an all time high.
Children are spending such a huge amount of their lives stuck on a waiting list and you're probably feeling very worried.
You might have even looked into going private but found the waiting lists there to be equally as long.
The clock is ticking and time is being wasted, before you know it your child will be starting school and you’re looking for some ideas of things to do to help your child learn to talk more.

Join me for a 6 week programme to get your little one talking more.
Each week I’ll send you an email with links to 2 or 3 quick videos of games and strategies for you to do with your child that week.
These are fun activities that you can weave into your daily life and really enjoy time together, communicating and playing.
Imagine this...
Imagine being able to complain that your child never stops talking!
Picture a car journey where your child chatters the whole way.
Look forward to other adults commenting about how much more your child is talking.
Feel confident that your little one will be able to chat with their new friends in school.
This course is suitable for your child...
If your child is aged 2 years and
Has fewer than 10 recognisable words or does not have any speech at all.
Does not gesture i.e. point or raise arms to request things.
Cannot follow simple instructions i.e. "where's your nose?" "give it to Mummy".
Does not join in with songs or play with familiar adults and children.
Becomes frustrated when they can't get their message across.
If your child is aged 3 years and
Uses no more than 50 words
Is not putting 2 words together to say little phrases
Cannot follow simple instructions i.e. "get your shoes".
Struggles with sharing and taking turns in play with family members and familiar children.
If your child is aged 4 years and
Struggles to follow instructions with 2 or 3 key words such as “find house car and ball” "Show me big frog".
Not talking in phrases of 3 words or more.
Does not have/use more than 200 words.
Unable to attend to an activity for more than 5 minutes (not including screen-based activity).

You’ll get some super advice from me, a Highly Specialist Paediatric Speech & Language Therapist and Mum of 2.
We play many of these games in therapy sessions in my clinic with the children on my caseload so you’ll get a head start for when your child does finally get their appointment.
You’ll be equipped with a range of strategies that you can confidently use to maximise the language development of your child.
You’ll feel confident that you’re doing everything you can to help your child boost their talking and communication skills.
You can feel reassured that you’re doing the right things.

How does it work?
Once you sign up, you’ll be emailed the link to access the first videos.
There’s a checklist to start with in the first week and some simple ‘homework’ for you to complete.
You’ll have to play the games and focus on the strategy for that week.
Then every 7 days for 5 more weeks I’ll send you more quick ideas of games to play that week.
There will be 2 or 3 quick videos each week to introduce the games and explain why they are important.
There will be a chance to catch up and you can always repeat weeks if you fall behind- it’s ok, I’m a Mum too and I know life can get busy.
At the end of the 6 weeks, you’ll be instructed to complete the checklist again so that you can see the progress your child has made.
There will be suggestions on your next steps and how you can continue to support your child’s language development.
You will be able to keep visiting the videos after the 6 weeks, for as long as you need to.
Who am I?
I'm Beth Morrant, a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist with over 15 years experience working with children of all ages.
I've worked in the NHS and set up my own private practice 12 years ago.
I provide online training to education and childcare settings, as well as support and advice courses for parents and caregivers.
I'm a Mum of 2 and a clinical supervisor to many lovely Speech and Language Therapists and students.
My specialist skills and depth of knowledge in speech, language and communication needs have seen me deliver guest lectures at universities and seminars at national conferences.

Is this the right journey for you?
If your child is already talking in sentences and it’s just that their speech is unclear, this isn’t the right course for you.
This course is to help children move from saying only a few words to using phrases in their speech.
You will be required to play the games and complete the fun activities each week. If you aren’t able to spend the time each week with your child to help with their communication development, this isn’t for you.
You will need to be patient and willing to wait to see the results and progress your child makes. Some children will need longer than 6 weeks.
If you’re looking for a quick fix to ‘cure’ your child and suddenly make them talk in monologues, that course doesn’t exist and you won’t find it here, BUT your little one will certainly have secured good foundations from the amount of time they have spent with you, playing games and enjoying communication.
There won’t be any assessment or direct clinical contact from me. The videos are pre-recorded and scheduled to be sent to you.
What about Autism?
This isn't a diagnostic course for Autism, it's to help your child boost and develop their early communication skills.
I've used these exact games, activities and strategies in my clinic with children who have been diagnosed with Autism, children who are on the diagnositc pathway and children who are yet to be diagnosed. All with great levels of success.
So, whether your child has been diagnosed or not, please check the 'this course is suitable for your child if...' lists above.
It DOES NOT mean that your child is Autistic if they are late to talk.*
There are lots of conditions and factors which can contribute to a child's language being delayed in the early years. These can include hearing difficulties, underlying health conditions and even having more than one language.
Sometimes there's no explanation for it, just like my daughter, Sophie.
Some children do just need a little extra time, some targeted strategies and games, with a healthy dose of reassurance for their loving parents. That's what this course will give you.
*If you are concerned about Autism, please discuss your child with your GP or Health Visitor.