Let's BOOST your child's processing and retention skills so that they can
REACH age-related expectations and
RAISE the academic performance of your school
Access this online, flexible CPD training to support children of all ages who have difficulty with language retention and processing skills.
For staff and parents, you'll learn vital theory, strategies and interventions to help children overcome their barriers to learning and academic success, from Early Years to Key Stage 5.
"We have lots of pupils who are very behind. We need a way of getting them up to speed quickly"
Michelle D, Deputy Head & SENCo
"I teach year 4 and have pupils who are struggling to follow instructions and retain anything."
Sarah S, year 4 teacher
"My class are so low this year with their skills. I feel like I'm teaching the same thing over and over. It's really frustrating"
Laura T, year 1 teacher
"I've been told to do comprehension interventions with this group but don't know where to start."
Charlotte G, Teaching Assistant, year 7
Does This Sound Familiar?

Do you have a child in your class who is behind the others and finds the work hard?
They struggle with processing and can't follow instructions well. They are in the lower ability group.
They can't seem to retain the things you've taught them. Even when you've gone over it a few times.
They lose their trail of thought easily and don't manage to get much written in their workbooks.
They have trouble understanding or identifying the main idea of what they have just read.
Reading comprehension tasks are almost impossible for this child.
They have trouble understanding new ideas or topics.
They can't pick up new skills as easily as their peers (like fractions or halving).
They are performing below age-related expectations, especially in maths, reading and literacy.
But, they don’t meet criteria for referral to SENCo or external support (like SALT or Educational Psychologist), they aren’t ‘bad enough’.
You’re concerned about them. There’s little progress in their work, despite your best efforts and you know that there must be something else you can do to help them.
Senior leadership want to see the data, the progress the proof of your efforts but it’s just not there in the child’s work.
Imagine This...
Imagine being able to support your pupils with their learning by using simple strategies in the classroom.
You can identify that they are struggling with processing information and following instructions, now you need to boost their retention and processing skills.
You can do this with effective, easy to implement interventions to help maximise their progress and enjoy their learning.
Benefits for You and the Children
⭐ Develop a better understanding of the memory and processing difficulties faced by the children you work with.
⭐ Increase quality teaching by implementing the knowledge and strategies learnt in this course.
⭐ Feel confident to work with the children in your setting who have difficulty remembering and processing spoken information like questions, instructions and stories.
⭐ Deliver impactful interventions to support pupils who struggle with remembering new topics, reading comprehension and lower-ability groups.
⭐ Help the children to make progress and overcome their barriers to learning.
⭐ Use the strategies and activities from this course with your current children and in the future with new cohorts.
⭐ Suitable for all age groups, from EYFS to KS4.
⭐ The games can be altered to suit the age, ability and interests of the child you are working with.
⭐ I've included ways you can step-up to make the game more challenging or step down if they are a bit tricky.
⭐ Complete the course online, in your own time (total video time approx. 75 minutes).
ADHD and memory
If there's a child in your class who seems to have really poor attention and just doesn't seem to listen or focus...
... you need to check their memory skills.
They might not actually be able to retain much of what you say and therefore just 'zone out'.

Awareness of attention deficits and ADHD has increased in recent years but not everyone with ADHD has memory difficulties and not everyone with memory challenges have ADHD.
Let's identify or rule out memory and processing difficulties before we label children with 'attention problems' first.
I say this as a parent of a child with ADHD and as a healthcare professional with over 15 years experience.
Find the tools you need to identify and rule in/out memory and processing skills in my online course Supporting Children with Memory & Processing Difficulties.
I just wanted to say a massive thank you!! Your videos are amazing and I look forward to implementing all of the information into my workplace!
Chrissie S
So personable and informative!
Sarah C
A great addition to my CPD log! The pdf printouts are great too, thank you. I will be going back and relooking at them, especially the games and activities!
Bobbie M

It's a short course, all pre-recorded and ready to access straight away.
It's online so you can do it any time, on any device.
You can re-visit the course time and time again, with unlimited access.
You can download the BONUS documents and save them to your shared drive.
You'll receive a certificate when you finish.
What's Inside?

Video tutorials


Checklists & printables

This course is packed with information in video format, with extra pdf resources for you to download and use.
An introduction video containing information and theory on memory and processing difficulties for children. Including profiles and red flags to look out for, as well as discussion on the impacts of these difficulties on learning and how you can help them.
Ten video demonstrations of my top intervention activities which I include in my speech and language programmes for children with difficulties with memory and processing. Some of these videos feature help from my own children so we can show you how it all REALLY works.
A separate instructional video on strategies for pupils and adults to use to help your children.
Plus there are BONUS downloads for you:
A checklist to help you identify areas of need for children in your setting.
Example sentences for some of the games and interventions.
Printable handouts of the strategies for adults/staff and more strategies for children/pupils.
A printable record sheet for you to written down and keep track of your interventions.
The Memory & Processing Interventions eBook (sold separately for £15 but included in this course for FREE!)
The total video time for this course is approx. 75 minutes.

Let's have a look inside 👀
What do memory, processing and retention problems look like?
Here are some things to look out for in your school or setting where the pupil or child:
🚩 Only follows first or last part of instructions.
🚩 Is struggling academically, in lower ability groups, below age-related expectations.
🚩 Doesn’t seem to retain the things you've taught them.
🚩 Has trouble understanding new ideas or topics. Can be disengaged during lesson times.
🚩 Struggles with maths and is unable to pick up new skills e.g. fractions or concepts like ‘halving’.
🚩 Reading comprehension tasks are challenging. They have trouble understanding or identifying the main idea of what they have just read.
🚩 Is unable to explain what they have read or talk about the characters’ actions/feelings.
🚩 Finds it hard to maintain social relationships and friendships.
How can you help?
Start with my course on Supporting Children with Memory & Processing Difficulties. It's suitable for people working with any age group or key stage and will help to boost their processing & retention skills and reach age-related expectations.
The course is packed with theory and information as well as practical activities for you to carry out interventions with individuals or groups of children, inside the classroom and in small groups or 1:1.
It's a pre-recorded, instant access course with around 1h 15 minutes of video time so it won't take a long time to complete and you can watch it whenever you like using your own login.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the frequently asked questions.
How does the training work?
Once you've clicked on the 'GET STARTED' buttons you'll be taken to the payment page. Payments can be made via Stripe (credit/debit card) or PayPal.
You'll receive confirmation and be emailed your login details. Simply follow the instructions to access the course content and away you go!
When do the courses start?
You’ll have access to the course content straight away and can start whenever you like. All of the content is pre-recorded and available immediately.
Is there a deadline?
Nope, you’ll have lifetime unlimited access to the course and downloadable content. This course is self-paced and you can complete it in your own time. As you’ll have your own login and unlimited access you can watch the videos whenever you like so you can dip in and out of the course at your own pace.
One lovely course participant commented that it was great to fit the course in around her children at home. I'm a mum too and I totally understood.
Do I have to do the course all in one go?
Only if you want to. Most of the content is split into smaller sections so if you did need to pause and come back, you’ll be able to pick up where you left off.
Do I get a certificate?
Absolutely! A certificate is automatically issued once you've completed the course.
Is this course available as a training package?
Yes, this course is also available as part of the below training packages.
Primary & All-Through Schools Training Package
Secondary Schools Training Package
Purchase choices available for single person or whole team